New Website

So, here we are. It’s taken a global pandemic to make me sit down and finally sort out a new website….

Any regular visitors (hello and thank you if there are still any!) will note there’s not been much activity here for some time. Unfortunately being a full time photographer has become very full time, and I just don’t get the opportunity to get out into the hills with a camera at unsociable hours (ie peak landscape times) very much any more.

The old website was very much based around my landscape work, even after I’d started photographing holiday cottages, but for a couple of years I’ve been photographing houses for a few estate agents as well so it didn’t really reflect what I do.

I still want you to give you all something pretty to look at, so I’ve not left the landscape behind completely. Therefore the new site is an admittedly dichotomous mix of very much indoors and very much outdoors.

I’ve added a few random favourites in the landscape section, which as usual is a mix of the Lake District and Scotland, while the property section will showcase my day to day work.

I was due to be up in Assynt on holiday this week, so when we’re allowed to travel again, hopefully one day in the not too distant future, there may even be some new landscape work to be added.



A detailed approach to property photography